Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The China Study

In my quest for better health I started to read The China Study this weekend. I read almost 10 Chapters Sunday. It was a great day to read with the rain and cold. The family all hung out together playing Wii and reading! It is a very interesting book but quite controversial in one sense. T. Colin Campbell, PhD is a scientist and researcher that grew up on a dairy farm. He worked the farm along with his family and provide most of their own food. His PhD was devoted to finding better ways to make cows and sheep grow faster and to improve the ability to produce better animal protein. His book is based on years of research and thousands of studies both from the private and government sectors. Through his years of research and study he found a better way for to prevent and actually reverse many of the diseases killing Americans today! It is a very good read and highly recommend it.

For the past year since I found Enagic USA and Kangen Water® and over the years, I have read many books on diets. The clear fact is that it is very confusing to any body! So the next best thing is to experiment and that is what I am going to do with the China Study. The China Study believes most of the deadly diseases, such as different cancers, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and more are fed by our diet know as a western diet. A diet mainly consisting of high fat and animal based. He shows the correlation between high cholesterol and animal based diet and these diseases. He states genes have a very low role in these disease. Although they do play a role, the difference is how we feed these genes and our bodies that determines if these disease grow. His recommendation-all whole food, plant based diet. That means little no to dairy, meat or added fats even oils. There is much more in the book that I will not go into here. I suggest read the book to learn more.

Now I have been a very big animal based diet and have been able to eat just about what ever I want all my life. I am currently 192 lbs and 12% BF and 5’ 11”. I am the fittest I have ever been thanks to kettlebell training. So why change now? I have high cholesterol and do not want to take drugs to get it down. I would also like to see if I can get under 10% BF. I also have very low testosterone, slightly low thyroid and and have been on medication for both. Although I have not read if there is any correlation with low T and animal based diet, yet, there are correlations for women as to earlier menstruation and prolonged hormone exposure and reproductive life that could lead to higher instances of some cancers. If I could come off all medication with normal values, I would be a believer! It is also reported those on a whole food, plant based diet had more energy and who is not for that!

For the next month I will eat a whole food plant based diet and record my results and meals. There are no counting calories or restrictions on quantity. I can eat as much as I want and recommended not to go hungry. Stay in the guidelines and try it! Some may say a month is not long enough to notice a difference in lab values. Maybe not, but I am setting a small goal and at the end of the month evaluate my progress and go from there. I have an appointment tomorrow to have my labs drawn. I will let you know the results. Here are the results from 1/15. Cholesterol 262 (0-200), Triglyceride 116(<150), HDL 65(>39), Total Chol/HDL ratio 4.0, VLDL 23(0-40), LDL 174(0-99).

I started yesterday with lunch at Panera. I had a greek salad, tomato soup and and an apple. I also went to the grocery store and bought a wide variety of fruits and veggies. I made dinner last night with brown rice, and steamed veggies with low sodium soy sauce and chili sauce. It was very good! I did not realize how hot chili sauce is! Last night I had a bed time snack of granola cereal with Almond milk.

Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins, nuts, banana, cinnamon, and vanilla. Mid morning snack was almonds and clementines. Lunch was left overs from last night! I also have a goal to drink a gallon of Kangen water a day! I cannot stress how important it is to be hydrated with Kangen Water, but that is another post! Go to my website to learn more about Why Kangen Water is different at www.healthywater4you.net! Water is not equal! Until next time!

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